
Tim Berndt
EGC Entwicklungsgesellschaft Cottbus mbH
Managing Director
Tel: +49 (0)355 729913-0
E-Mail: Send e-mail

A town developing and changing

“We are the modern ‘capital’ of Lusatia. We are experiencing, shaping and exploring structural change, specifically in the energy sector. We want to pioneer digitalisation and become a core hydrogen and healthcare region. As a university and traditional park city, we offer a vibrant flair for you to enjoy.“ (Tobias Schick, Mayor of Cottbus)

Largest growth centre

Cottbus is the largest regional growth centre in the southern German Capital Region of Berlin-Brandenburg, with a population of roughly 100,000.

Its central position in the heart of Europe, its powerful infrastructure, attractive commercial spaces, natural landscapes and people make it a uniquely advantageous location. These features make Cottbus a place of interest for numerous sectors.

Conveniently situated between Berlin and Dresden, Cottbus is the perfect intersection for major transport routes – with direct links to eastern and southern Europe.

Global players and innovative SMEs

Over 6,700 businesses are located in and around Cottbus, including the LEAG energy group, Deutsche Bahn, the Carl-Thiem-Klinikum hospital, the Sana heart centre, the pension insurance body Knappschaft Bahn See, the ABB automation technology group and Siemens AG.

Establishing close links between science, research and business to create highly qualified jobs in Cottbus and the region is the ambitious goal of everyone involved.

Cottbus is a dynamic city that is facing a comprehensive structural transformation in the coming years from a brown coal region to a region of innovation and is ready for success!

We’re shaping the future
Nummer 1

Cottbus as a digital city:
“Smart City” model region with seven action areas.

Nummer 2

Development of the “Cottbuser Ostsees” lake (Brandenburg’s largest inland body of water and Germany’s largest post-mining lake) and the Ostsee suburb area as a carbon-neutral docklands district (renaturation).

Nummer 3

Business-oriented, energetic and sustainable urban and commercial space development.

Nummer 4

5,500 m2 academic business incubator on the Brandenburg University of Technology campus (opening in early 2021).

Nummer 5

Model city for hydrogen:
from brown coal to a town with energy sourced from hydrogen.

Nummer 6

Model region for nursing:
The city administration, Cottbus Economic Development Agency and the Carl-Thiem-Klinikum hospital have developed their own strategy for an innovative approach to safeguarding the supply of skilled workers.

Nummer 7

Lusatia as a model region for healthcare:
Cottbus is aiming to establish state university medical training. The Carl-Thiem-Klinikum hospital is set to become a university clinic and a pilot digital hospital.

Nummer 8
Nummer 9

Support for new and returning residents through the "Boomtown Cottbus".